Friday, March 8, 2013

Carmelo Records Paying attention!

Recently I got contacted by a record label that goes by the name of “Carmelo Records.” Did some research on the label and it turns out, that the label is the real deal! It’s scary to know that I nearly lost out on this opportunity because I first told them that my manager will handle it but, that’s in the past.
After talking to Bruno ( label rep ) he told me that I have to be accepted to join. This just made me WANT IT MORE. So, he sent me a beat and told me to rap on it. It was a jazzy type Amy wine house banger. He also told me it was going to be a hard beat to rap to, but I’m Owen-Ness and Owen can rap to any track!
I begun writing and the deadline for this one is march 13,2013, I hope I get excepted I need a break!
I’m moving forward!!!

Friday, March 1, 2013


Originally my plan was to give you guys “Crownless King” as a final free mix-tape. Being that i am moving forward with my career, my managers suggested that i drop at least 2 albums a year to generate some real income from my tunes. However, at the last minute there was a flag on the play. (sudden change) they decided to remove the 4 cover songs and replace them with 6 original songs from previous tapes to make “Crownless King” a completely profitable project. I really wont go into detail on the percentages that were thrown my way, but to make long story short i was annoyed at the whole situation. Realizing that this is the business, and i will go through some set backs, i heard my team out and made a wise decision. I put a hold on the project to get the paper work done and fully hire my management company legally through documentation. Being that we are now dealing with money, i can see many discrepancies bubbling on the horizon and it is my job as thee artist to make sure i am secure always.

Contract Time!!!!!!!!!

I felt like since D.E. and Dimitri were getting serious with me and helping me achieve my goals, that it was time to hire them on a trial period for 1 year. Thankful enough, i have a smart brother on my side to walk me through any contract, and point out any flaws, pros and any other cons. I didn’t come this far to be sloppy, and i know the music business will eat you! I’m not saying that this is Dimitri’s intentions, but with my ignorance to the business aspect of the hip-hop industry, I’m going to need him through my career to protect me and keep money in my pocket. providing that reinsurance and working through any and all loop holes a contract may have on me. So until i handle this management contract i will be holding off on “Crownless” King and further work with Dirty Empire. Ill do my best to muscle up a free mix-tape with cover songs on it special for you all because i know alot of you have been anticipating the release of “Crownless King,” and i understand the frustration the set back can bring to my supporters.

These are all necessary pronunciations that need to take pace….
“This is my show”